Now that we are a week into the new school year and students have figured out the basics (how to get into their locker, where their homeroom is, and the quickest way to the cafeteria at lunchtime), it’s a great time to think about ways to make the new year a successful one. A new school year is a great time for a fresh approach to attitudes about school work or even interacting with others.
Organization is key!
For some students, the range of courses, teachers, and expectations in high school can be overwhelming. Staying organized with a planner is key to keeping track of projects and due dates. Using a paper calendar can be helpful, as the act of writing something down actually helps you remember what you wrote! For others, transferring assignments to an online calendar is helpful since you can set reminders to alert you when a due date is approaching.
Be the kind kid
Whether it’s the simple act of saying hello as you pass people in the halls, inviting someone to sit with you in the cafeteria, or holding the door for someone, being kind to others is always important, but it’s also a really great motto to adopt for the start of a new school year. With new students coming in each year, there will always be at least a few students who are feeling a little apprehensive. A kind and friendly encounter may be just the thing that helps someone to feel more comfortable in their new surroundings.R-E-S-P-E-C-T
A new year may bring new teachers and subject areas to a student’s schedule. And a new school means meeting new people from different areas and backgrounds. Remembering to keep and open mind and being respectful can make a big difference in how you are perceived and how you perceive others. Taking a moment to consider things from another’s perspective can help students to understand ideas and people in a different way.We asked the OLSH faculty to share their advice for students on how to start the new school year on the right foot! Here are just a few of our favorite suggestions:
"1. Pay attention the first time...your teacher shouldn't have to repeat something just for you
2. Follow the are one-of-a-kind but the rules DO apply to you
3. Have fun...your day-to-day routine is what you make of it
4. Be friendly...say "HELLO" to people you see and answer politely when someone speaks to you."
-Mrs. Maureen Steuernagel, English
"Smile, a little kindness goes a long way!" – Mrs. Amy Turnbull, Spanish
"Remember to stay open-minded and open to making new friends. Be yourself and don't be afraid to make the first move to meet a new classmate! If they seem like someone you'd like to get to know - do it!" - Mrs. Cheryl Karashin, Advancement
"Take it one day at a time. You will not solve every issue and puzzle your first week, but instead enjoy the new friends and faces while you figure things out at your own pace." - Mr. Tyler Rodgers, English
"Get involved with something -- anything! -- right away, because it is the easiest way to make new friends and explore your gifts and talents. These activities are the things that make your school experience memorable!" -Mrs. Jessica Sellman ‘02, Admissions
"Be Prompt, Prepared and Polite." -Mr. Jeff Hulbert, Social Studies/Mission Leader
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