Articles abound on creating the perfect classroom space – from flexible seating, modular tables, and other cooperative learning tools; to technology features like projectors, Smartboards, and iPad carts; to basic comforts like lighting and temperature.
At OLSH, we pride ourselves on our facilities, featuring various classroom configurations, air conditioning, and arguably the cleanest school in Pennsylvania (thanks to our outstanding maintenance crew)!

But it’s what you find on the walls of the classrooms at OLSH that I’d like to take a moment to focus on.

In each classroom at OLSH, you’ll find the San Damiano crucifix. When St. Francis of Assisi was praying before the crucifix in the chapel of San Damiano, he heard the voice of the Lord coming from the image of Christ and asking him to rebuild His house. This encounter profoundly affected Francis, and the effects have rippled down through the centuries to the present in the various orders associated with the Franciscan spirit, among them, the Felician Sisters. For all Franciscan religious, the San Damiano crucifix is a reminder of their calling to serve the Lord in humble service to others. This symbol is an important reminder to students and faculty of our heritage as a Felician sponsored ministry.
While that icon is consistently displayed in each classroom, you’ll also find the unique personality of each individual teacher hanging on their classroom walls. And something you come across frequently is positive messages of inspiration.

High school students benefit from learning in an environment that is caring and supportive (in addition to being academically challenging) and OLSH teachers have created a nurturing culture that goes beyond their daily interactions with their students. The posters and signs that hang on classroom walls share messages with students that encourage them to be their best, act with good character, and trust in the Lord. Being surrounded by such positivity and inspiration, students are made to feel safe and loved as they learn to think critically about the world around them.
We are thankful for the examples that our teachers set and see these signs as a testament to their own character.
Below is just a sampling of the motivational signs found in OLSH classrooms and hallways:
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