I hope all of you are getting by in these trying times. It is not easy for any of us right now, but if we all take it one day at a time, we will get through this. What I would like to do in this reflection is offer some suggestions as to how you can get the most out of watching mass on television or the computer while you are unable to attend mass in person. It goes without saying that there is nothing like attending mass at your local church. To be present at the holy sacrifice and receive the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Communion is the greatest thing we can do while we are on this earth. Also, a great benefit of attending mass in person is receiving the priest’s blessing at the end of mass. But right now, all of this is not possible for you. Therefore, while it is not required that you watch mass on television or online, I highly recommend that you do so. While the same graces that you would receive at mass are unavailable, there are still many other graces to be received...
A blog for parents who value or are considering Catholic education from Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School (OLSH).