As part of a series during OLSH’s closure for the COVID-19 pandemic, members of the OLSH community have been invited to share reflections on their experiences. Today's reflection comes from theology teacher Mrs. Nancy Jarocki.

I have been musing all day about my students. I miss them! There have been plenty of emails back and forth about school work. That’s a good thing but I miss the banter before and after class and even some of the more crazy things they say and do. I have been grading current events for seniors and, as you can imagine, most of them had something to do with the coronavirus. The students were so honest in their reflections about how frightened they are of all of this. The panic buying makes them wonder if they should be concerned about the food chain, they know enough to realize that prom is probably off the table and are wondering if graduation may be too. Some of them have personal health worries or worry about their parents who are healthcare workers or their older family members. In spite of all of this so many of them have a steadfast faith and are praying diligently. I am impressed that they know and understand that the natural and supernatural worlds are intertwined. They often made the statement that they wonder what good will come of all of this in the end and they are convinced that good will come, if one has the eyes to see it.

This is a time of solidarity especially within our families, a time when we can resurrect old traditions or make new ones. If you don’t have a tradition of praying as a family it might be a good time to start one! It can be a little intimidating if you haven’t ever done it ,or haven’t done it in a while, but let your OLSH student take the lead – they know how – and you will be impressed I am sure. A novena for the end of the COVID- 19 epidemic started today and you can join in at There are lots of helps out there – the rosary is on EWTN daily and online whenever you have 15 minutes. The folks at Magnificat and Living with Christ (just google them) are offering free access to their online prayer booklets and you can find Holy Mass online anytime. If that sounds like a lot maybe just bless your kids with the sign of the cross when you say goodnight. That can go a long way in making them feel safe knowing that you believe God is with them. I can’t wait to get back and see the students and my colleagues but, in the meantime, know that I am keeping all of the OLSH family in my prayers.
About the Author
Nancy Jarocki teaches Theology IV and Honors Theology IV to seniors at OLSH and is a member of the Ministry Team. She has been on the faculty at OLSH since 2004 and once also served as Campus Minister. Her three daughters are all alumnae of OLSH and she and her husband, Mark, plan to join OLSH students on the mission trip to Frenchville, PA this summer.
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